Come in and be part of the family!

Our Team

Rev. Ronda Ploughman


Phone: 403-548-6302



Ronda holds a Bachelor of Arts from McMaster University, and a Master of Diviniity from the University of Toronto, Trinity College in the Toronto School of Theology. Ordained in the Diocese of Niagara, she moved to southeast Alberta in 2005 and has served in the Double "A" Anglican Parish of All Saint's, Medicine Hat (our sister parish) and St. Ambrose, Redcliff since that time.

Eldean Parnell

    Rector's Warden & Licenced Lay Reader

Gail Smidt

Our People's Warden and Music Leader

Cliff Dacre

Cliff is our resident historian.  He keeps the archives of the church and assists people who want to access the church's records for information on their family history.  You will often find Cliff helping out at the local Redcliff museum and can find his seasonal artwork on the walls of our church hall. 

Kathy Dawson

Kathy is the contact person for the Shawl Ministry at St. Ambrose.  She is also a musician and Lay Delegate to Synod.


St. Ambrose Anglican Church

501-5th Street
Redcliff, AB
T0J 2P2


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